این مثال دو بخش دارد، یکی ایجاد پایگاه داده از اطلاعات کتابها و نوشتن آنها در فایل باینری book_data.db و بخش دوم شامل خواندن اطلاعات از همین فایل و نمایش آنها. ویدیوی ضبط شده مربوط به این مثال در پست بعدی منتشر می شود.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
struct BookInfo
char name[30];
char author[30];
int nPage;
float price;
int year;
void CreateDatabase()
printf("To start, enter number of books you want to store in the database\n");
int n = 0;
scanf_s("%d", &n);
printf("Please enter Book information for %d books as follows\n", n);
printf("Name, Author, Pages, Price, Year of Publication\n");
BookInfo *books = new BookInfo[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("\n#%d Name: ", i + 1);
gets_s(books[i].name, 30);
printf("\n#%d Author: ", i + 1);
gets_s(books[i].author, 30);
printf("\n#%d Pages: ", i + 1);
scanf_s("%d", &books[i].nPage);
printf("\n#%d Price: ", i + 1);
scanf_s("%f", &books[i].price);
printf("\n#%d Year: ", i + 1);
scanf_s("%d", &books[i].year);
FILE* fp = 0;
fopen_s(&fp, "book_data.db", "wb");
if (!fp)
printf("File can't be oppened.\n");
fwrite(books, sizeof(BookInfo), n, fp);
printf("Data saved successfully\n");
void ReadDatabase()
int n = 2;
BookInfo *books = new BookInfo[n];
FILE* fp = 0;
fopen_s(&fp, "book_data.db", "rb");
if (!fp)
printf("File can't be oppened.\n");
fread(books, sizeof(BookInfo), n, fp);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("\n#%d Name: %s", i + 1, books[i].name);
printf("\n#%d Author: %s", i + 1, books[i].author);
printf("\n#%d Pages: %d", i + 1, books[i].nPage);
printf("\n#%d Price: %.1f", i + 1, books[i].price);
printf("\n#%d Year: %d", i + 1, books[i].year);
delete[] books;
int main()
printf("Welcome to Book Database Application:\n");
bool create_data = false; //change to false for read mode
if (create_data)
return 0;